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Meeting Our Shadow: A Transformative Journey at CICR’s Hybrid Event

Image of Kawtar El Alaoui's book: Unfolding Peace
Kawtar El Alaoui's book: Unfolding Peace

On September 17, our community gathered both online and in person at CICR for a profound hybrid learning event on "How Meeting our Shadow Expands our Transformational Presence as Mediators," led by the insightful Kawtar El Alaoui.

The evening was a deep dive into how our shadow—the unconscious aspects of ourselves—can influence our presence and neutrality as mediators and peace practitioners.

This was another session of CICR's Communities of Practice—a monthly gathering where Third-Party Neutral students and graduates, community leaders, and interested guests come together to share insights, practice skills, learn, and reflect on key topics that shape their journey as peace ambassadors.

A Blend of Theory and Practice

The session kicked off with a captivating slideshow presentation, where Kawtar, joined by co-host and CICR Chair Kendel Rust, shared enlightening perspectives from their own work, as well as wisdom from renowned thinkers like Eckhart Tolle and Carl Jung. As we explored the shadow, we began to realize the profound impact this unseen part of ourselves has on our interactions with others, especially in conflict situations.

But this wasn’t just a theoretical journey—Kawtar and Kendel ensured that we grounded our learning in practice. A guided mindfulness exercise helped participants center themselves, bringing presence to the forefront of the session. It was a moment to pause, reflect, and connect with the deeper layers of our being.

Group Activities and Reflection

CICR Chair Kendel Rust and a couple of participants talking in the background
CICR Chair Kendel Rust and a couple of participants engaging in the background.

The group activities that followed allowed us to reflect on how our shadow shows up in mediation and conflict resolution. Both online and in-person participants were able to engage in meaningful discussions, sharing insights and experiences. It was a safe space to be vulnerable, to explore how acknowledging our own shadows can enhance our ability to stay neutral and fully present. 

If you're curious about the resources shared during the session, here are some recommended readings:

Angel Cards: A Surprising Conclusion

As the session came to a close, participants were invited to pick up an angel card—each card carrying a unique message that offered a final moment of reflection. This spontaneous and symbolic exercise added a magical touch to the evening, leaving everyone with something deeply personal to take away from the experience.

Image of one of our CICR participant's Angel Card
One of our participant's Angel Card

A Night of Transformation

The hybrid event was more than just a learning experience; it was a journey of self-discovery and connection. Whether in person or via Zoom, participants walked away with not only new knowledge but also a renewed sense of presence and awareness as mediators.

At the end of the event, some of the in-person participants gathered for a group photo to capture the meaningful connections made throughout the session.The photo serves as a reminder of the inclusive and diverse community we continue to build—one where we support each other’s growth on the journey to becoming more mindful and effective peace practitioners. 

Stay tuned for future events at CICR that continue to expand our horizons as peace practitioners!

A few CICR participants gathered for a group photo.
A few participants gathered for a group photo at the end of the workshop.



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