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Launch: CICR Online Community

Dear CICR friends, members, and practitioners,

I wanted to take a moment to connect with you as we try –individually and collectively– to respond to the unprecedented challenges of this pandemic. COVID-19 has caused extraordinary disruption to work, personal lives and ways in which we connect with our family, friends, colleagues, elders and communities. I need you to know that CICR is thinking of you, and hope you are well and safe.

To navigate this tumultuous time, many of us have been compelled to go inward: finding creative ways to be with ourselves and our families, to collaborate and communicate with others, and be in constant ‘learning mode’ that requires adaptability, openness, patience, compassion and a re-examination of our individual and collective purpose. As well, our definition of space has changed: the virtual space has now become a place for real social connections and new partnerships. There’s no going back, and there’s no waiting for a ‘new normal’... because we, as members of the global community, have already evolved.

As well, today’s uncertainties have brought out the best in people who are contributing to reshape the global community through daily acts of creativity, generosity and solidarity. Our conscience is expanding: we now acknowledge, more than ever, that we must embrace everyone to be able to move forward. This renewed sense of interdependence, reciprocity, inclusion and compassion captured by the South African concept of ubuntu gives new meaning and purpose to our communities. Among the call for learnings –wisdoms– that we are invited to answer, is our ability to ask for help, to offer support, to accompany each other, to take care of ourselves, our families, our elders, our communities and of our planet.

CICR is also experiencing a period of self-reflection and transformation. Its team (staff, trainers, Board of Directors) is re-examining ways in which it is fulfilling its role and mandate to better serve the community of conflict resolution, ADR and peace practitioners. For example, CICR is exploring new virtual ways for our graduates to connect, share learnings and resources and, expanding its reach to and impact on the local and global community.

This is why we invite you to help us nurture the emergent CICR Community online, where we will come back to you in the following weeks with webinars, workshops and virtual communities of practice. Start here:

I also have to inform you that in light of the pandemic, CICR is postponing in-person workshops that were to be held in May and June. Registered participants will be contacted as our course schedule changes and the most up-to-date information will remain available on this link. Do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns.

We look forward to providing an informative and fun interactive social and learning experience!


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