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The CICR has conducted conflict resolution training, interventions and consultation for government agencies, private sector organizations, unions, INGOs, and community organizations since 1988. After 1997, the CICR became actively engaged in implementing programs internationally in over 13 countries across Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America.

In conflict-affected states, CICR’s interventions have sought to increase stabilization, restoration of dignity and trust, social cohesion and resilience, and the pursuit of more sustainable solutions. These programs have supported inter-ethnic reunification in the post-conflict environments of Rwanda and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), shuttle diplomacy between rebel groups and government in East Timor, training of election monitors in BiH, institutional and capacity development of a conflict resolution center in Taiwan, conflict resolution training of NGOs, community workers, government officials and lawyers in several countries and the introduction of court-referred mediation into BiH and Serbia. 

CICR has partnered with Danish Refugee Council, MINUSCA, Danish Demining Group, Lawyers Without Borders Canada to conduct training, community dialogues, and train trainers to engage in trust-restoration processes in communities in the Central African Republic, Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Kenya, Uganda and Afghanistan. CICR’s contribution to stabilization and peacebuilding is enriched with community leaders from all over the world (such as Syria, Kenya, Dominican Republic and Nigeria) who have come to Canada to attend our Third-Party Neutral training program, and have brought back this knowledge and transformation to their communities and institutions.

Bosnia and Herzegovina | Central African Republic | East Timor | Indonesia | Kenya and Uganda | Macedonia | Mali | Rwanda | Serbia | Sudan | Taiwan

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