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Devenez compétent en matière de conflits

Transformer les conflits - Cultiver la paix
Programme Tierce-Partie Neutre

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The go-to place for conflict resolution training in Canada

The Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution has been a leading authority since 1988 in empowering managers, leaders, practitioners and organizations with a unique Third-Party Neutral approach to training and intervention in conflict resolution, mediation, facilitation and community dialogue. As a renowned institute, we promote harmony, understanding, and cooperation in Canada and beyond.

Updating our website and French translation – Some links may not be active.

Conflict Resolution Programs

Take the First Step Towards Peaceful Resolutions:
Enroll in one of our conflict resolution training programs and embark on a journey toward constructive communication, understanding, and harmony.
Our grads say:
“I leave with more confidence and the techniques to go further on my journey.”

Melissa Wilson, Prevention Officer, Canada School of Public Service

​Upcoming Events

Save your seat for upcoming Communities or Practice, Speaker Events, Graduation and AGM.

Dealing with conflict?
We Can Help You

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For Organizations:

Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution

+1 343-633-0100

Workshops     Services    Custom Training
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For Individuals in the National Capital Region:

Community Conflict Resolution Ottawa - CCRO

+1 343-633-0200
Toll-free 1-833-670-2100

Contact Form
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